Dashboard Reports

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Dashboard Overview

The Dashboard tab provides an overview of several features available in your KnowBe4 console. These features include your organization's risk score, phishing, training, Phish Alert Button, and recommended tools.

Note: If you have access to the widgetized dashboard feature, you can customize the widgets that appear on your dashboard. For more information, see our Customize Your Widgetized Dashboard article. 

Organization's Risk Score

Note:For more detailed insights into your organization’s Risk Score, see our SmartRisk Agent™ and Risk Score v2 Guide. Once you opt in, all your applicable reports will use data from Risk Score v2.

The Organization's Risk Score widget shows an overview of your organization's risk score for the last six months. See more information about risk scores and how they're calculated in our Virtual Risk Officer (VRO) and Risk Score Guide.


The Phishing widget shows an overview of your organization's Phish-prone Percentage for the last six months. You can compare this information with industry-specific benchmarking data. See more information about benchmarking data in our Industry Benchmarking Overviewhere article.

See the Reporting section of our Phishing Campaigns Overview article for more information.

Phish Alert Button

If you have enabled our Phish Alert Button (PAB), this widget shows how many times the PAB was installed or uninstalled, how many emails were reported by your users, and whether those reported emails were simulated or non-simulated.

You can also quickly access your PAB settings by clicking the gear icon in the top-right corner of the PAB widget. See our Phish Alert Button (PAB) Product Manual for more information.

To download the information shown on the PAB widget, click the Generate CSV link in the bottom-right corner of the widget. 

Learner Platform Data

The Learner Platform Data widget displays the percentage of training your users have completed by platform over the last 30 days. If you have enabled the KnowBe4 Learner App, this widget will include information about training completed on the app. If you have not enabled the KnowBe4 Learner App, this widget will only include information about training completed on mobile and desktop browsers.

You can also quickly access Learner Platform Reports by clicking the report icon in the top-right corner of the widget. For more information, see our Reporting Guide.

Security Awareness Proficiency Assessment (SAPA)

The Security Awareness Proficiency Assessment (SAPA) widget compares your organization's average SAPA score to an average industry-specific SAPA score. The graph on the SAPA widget shows the average score for each of the seven SAPA knowledge areas.

For more information about SAPA benchmarking data, see our Industry Benchmarking Overview article.

For general information about the SAPA, see our Security Awareness Proficiency Assessment (SAPA) Overview article.

Security Culture Survey (SCS)

The Security Culture Survey (SCS) widget compares your users' most recent SCS scores to an average industry-specific SCS score. The graph on the SCS widget shows the average score for each SCS dimension.

For more information about SCS benchmarking data, see our Industry Benchmarking Overview article.

For general information about the SCS, see our Security Culture Survey (SCS) Overview article.


The Training widget shows the current status of your active training campaigns as well as the percentage of enrolled users who have completed that training. 

You can also quickly access all of your Training Campaigns or Create a New campaign using the buttons in the top-right corner of the Training widget. See our Training Campaigns Guide for more information.

At the bottom of the widget, you will find an enrollment link to copy and send to your users. This link will take users to a login page where they can access their enrolled training. The link is specific to the domain indicated, so users must have an email address that uses the same domain.


The Tools widget shows recommended tools like the Automated Security Awareness Program (ASAP) and the Environment Survey.

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