You can view a list of enrolled users and their training progress on either the Users subtab of a training campaign or the User Progress page of a training assignment. Click the links below for details on how to view user progress, manually adjust progress, send training notifications, download training completion certificates, and more.
Users Subtab
Follow the steps below to navigate to the Users subtab.
- In your KSAT console, click the Training tab.
- From the Campaigns tab, click the name of the desired training campaign.
- Click the Users subtab.
The Users subtab lists all enrolled users and details about each piece of content assigned to them. For more information, see the screenshot and list below:
a. Subtabs: Click a subtab to view All Users in this training campaign or to filter users by completion status. These subtabs also show the number and percentage of users within each completion status.
b. Search: Find a specific user by entering their name or email address into the search field.
c. User Table: This table is organized by user first, then by individual training assignments. You can see information such as the date the user was enrolled in the content, whether or not the user has started the assigned content, and how much time the user has spent viewing the content.
- The Time Remaining column will display the number of days the user has to complete the training. If the extended due date is greater than 30 days from the current date, the Time Remaining column will round to the closest number of months the user has to complete the assignment.
Tip: To see the exact due date, navigate to the user's profile and view Extended to under their Training Details.If you need to see the extended due date for a larger number of users, click Generate CSV to download a CSV file. Then, refer to the Extended Due Date column. Users will see how many days their assignments are overdue when they log in to complete their training.
d. Notification History: Click the envelope icon next to a user’s name to see which training notifications you have sent to that user. You can see when each notification was sent, whether or not the notification was received, and the name of the notification template sent. However, you can only see the notification history for a manager or admin if they are also enrolled in the campaign. If the manager or admin received notifications regarding their users, those notifications will be included in the notification history.
e. Include Archived Users: Enable this setting to include all archived users that have been enrolled in this campaign. Because these users are archived, you can't send them manual notifications or change their training progress.
f. Bulk Update: This option allows you to upload a CSV file to pass users, reset users’ training progress, or remove users from a campaign in bulk. For more information, see our Can I Manually Update the Training Progress of a User? article.
g. Generate CSV: Click this button to generate a CSV file. Once generated, you can download the CSV file from your Download Center. See our Download Center Guide for more information.
h. + Enroll Users: Click this button to individually enroll additional users in this training campaign. For more information, see our Can I Enroll Users in a Training Campaign That Is in Progress? article.
i. Actions: To enable the Actions button, select one or more check boxes next to the content title. Then, select one of the following actions:
- Send Notification: Manually send the user a notification regarding the assigned content.
- Mark as Completed: Mark the user's assigned content as completed.
- Reset Progress: Reset any progress the user made on the assigned content.
- Extend Selected: This option will be available when you view the Past Due subtab. When viewing the Past Due subtab, the option Extend Selected will also be available. This option allows you to set a new due date for the user's assigned content. See our How to Modify Training Deadlines article for more information.
Remove Users: Remove the selected user from the training campaign.
j. Score: This column displays the user's score on the respective content.
If this campaign includes the Security Awareness Proficiency Assessment (SAPA), the user’s assessment score will also be listed in this column. To learn more about the SAPA, see our What Is the Security Awareness Proficiency Assessment (SAPA)? article.
k. Status: This column shows the user's training completion status. The status can be Completed, In Progress, Not Started, or Past Due. This column also includes the following features for completed assignments:
- You can hover your cursor over the green Completed badge to view the date and time that the user completed the assigned content.
- If the user has past due training, the red Past Due badge will change to a green Past Due badge once they’ve completed the training.
- The Impersonated badge is displayed when an account admin impersonates a user and completes the training for their user.
- You will see the Forced Completion badge when the account admin selects Mark as Completed from the Actions drop-down menu on the Users subtab, or when an admin uses Bulk Update to upload a CSV file to pass users.
Note: This data will be added to a new Admin Action column on CSV files downloaded from the Users subtab. Also, this information is currently only available from this page. It’s not currently available in the Reports tab.
- You can click the trophy icon to download a training completion certificate.
- The exclamation point icon indicates this training was completed after the original due date.
- The hourglass icon indicates that the training assignment due date has been extended.
User Progress Page
Follow the steps below to navigate to the User Progress page.
- In your KSAT console, click the Training tab.
- From the Campaigns subtab, click the name of the desired training campaign.
- Under the Campaign Content section, click the User Progress button beneath the assigned content that you would like to view.
The Users Progress page lists all enrolled users and details about one specific piece of content. See the screenshot and list below for more information.
a. Subtabs: Click a subtab to view All Users in this training campaign or filter users by training completion status. These subtabs also show the number and percentage of users within each completion status.
b. Search: Find a specific user by entering their name or email address into the search field.
c. User Table: This table lists details such as the date the user was enrolled in this content, whether or not the user has started this content, and how much time the user has spent viewing this content.
- The Time Remaining column will display the number of days the user has to complete the training. If the extended due date is greater than 30 days from the current date, the Time Remaining column will round to the closest number of months the user has to complete the assignment.
Tip: To see the exact due date, navigate to the user's profile and view Extended to under their Training Details.If you need to see the extended due date for a larger number of users, click Generate CSV to download a CSV file. Then, refer to the Extended Due Date column. Users will see how many days their assignments are overdue when they log in to complete their training.
d. Include Archived Users: Enable this setting to include all archived users that have been enrolled in this campaign. Because these users are archived, you can't send them manual notifications or remove them from the training campaign.
e. Bulk Update: This option allows you to upload a CSV file to pass users or reset their progress for the assigned content. See our Can I Manually Update the Training Progress of a User? article for more information.
f. Generate CSV: Click this button to generate a CSV file. Once generated, you can download the CSV file from your Download Center. See our Download Center Guide for more information.
g. Actions: To enable the Actions button, select one or more check boxes next to the content title. Then, select one of the following actions:
- Send Notification: Manually send the user a notification regarding the assigned content.
- Mark as Completed: Mark the user's assigned content as completed.
- Reset Progress: Reset any progress the user made on the assigned content.
- Extend Selected: This option will be available when you view the Past Due subtab. When viewing the Past Due subtab, the option Extend Selected will also be available. This option allows you to set a new due date for the user's assigned content. See our How to Modify Training Deadlines article for more information.
- Remove Users: Remove the selected user from the training campaign.
h. Score: This column displays the user's score on the respective content.
If this campaign includes the Security Awareness Proficiency Assessment (SAPA), the user’s awareness score will also be listed in this column. To learn more about the SAPA, see our What is the Security Awareness Proficiency Assessment (SAPA)? article.
i. Status: This column shows the user's training completion status. The status can be Completed, In Progress, Not Started, or Past Due. This column also includes the following features for completed assignments:
- You can hover your cursor over the green Completed badge to view the date and time that the user completed the assigned content.
- If the user has past due training, the red Past Due badge will change to a green Past Due badge once they’ve completed the training.
- The Impersonated badge is displayed when an account admin impersonates a user and completes the training for their user.
- You will see the Forced Completion badge when the account admin selects Mark as Completed from the Actions drop-down menu on the Users subtab, or when an admin uses Bulk Update to upload a CSV file to pass users.
Note: This data will be added to a new Admin Action column on CSV files downloaded from the Users subtab. Also, this information is currently only available from this page. It’s not currently available in the Reports tab.
- You can click the trophy icon to download a training completion certificate.
- The exclamation point icon indicates this training was completed after the original due date.
- The hourglass icon indicates that the training assignment due date has been extended.