The User Messaging feature allows you to send messages to some or all of your users within the KSAT console. Once a message has been created, the Messages tab of the Learner Experience (LX) will be enabled. On this tab, users can review and mark their messages as read. If no messages have been created, the Messages tab will remain hidden.For more information about the Messages tab, see our Learner Experience Guide.
User messaging can be used to send custom messages, such as informative memos or announcements. You can also use this feature to share our KnowBe4 newsletters: the Scam of the Week and Security Hints and Tips.
Custom Messages
Custom Messages are one-time messages that you can customize with our What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editor. You can use custom messages for internal memos, frequently asked questions (FAQs), announcements, and more.
To create a custom message, follow the steps below:
- From your KnowBe4 console, navigate to Users > Messages.
- Click the Create New Message button at the top-right corner of the page.
- Select Custom Message from the drop-down menu.
- Fill out all of the fields on the Create New Custom Message page. For more information about each field, see the screenshot and list below:
- Subject: The message subject will be seen by both users and admins.
- Language: Select the language that this message is written in. You will need to provide the translated text for the message. The KnowBe4 console does not translate the custom message for you.
- Send to: Select All Users if you would like to send the message to your entire organization. Otherwise, select Specific Groups and choose one or more groups from the drop-down menu.
- Use Custom Sender Information: Enable this option to customize the sender's name and email address. The email address must match one of the allowed domains on your account.
Also send this message as an email: Select this check box to send a copy of this message to each user via email. This message will still be listed on the Messages tab of the LX.
Note:The sender's email address for User Messaging emails is Emails sent using the User Messaging feature are not tracked and will not be included in any message-related data.
- Message: Enter your message into the text field. Our WYSIWYG editor includes standard text formatting options such as font size, text alignment, and bullets. You can also use more advanced options such as images, hyperlinks, and div containers. To identify each option, hover your mouse over the WYSIWYG buttons. If you would rather edit this message using HTML, click the Source button to switch from the WYSIWYG editor to a source code view.
- Message Delivery Date: In this field, select when you would like to send your custom message.
- Review each field and the contents of your message.
Important: Custom messages can’t be edited once they are created. You will have the option to hide this message from users, but there is a possibility some users will see the message before it is hidden.
- Click Create Message.
Scam of the Week Messages
The Scam of the Week is a weekly newsletter written by KnowBe4. The newsletter summarizes a recent real-world scam and provides tips on how to stay safe from similar scams. You can create a recurring Scam of the Week message to send this newsletter to your users weekly or biweekly.
For more information on how to set up a Scam of the Week message, see our What Is the Scam of the Week Newsletter? article.
Security Hints and Tips Messages
The Security Hints and Tips newsletter is written by KnowBe4 and provides hints and tips for a wide variety of cybersecurity topics. A new newsletter is added to the collection each month. You can create a recurring Security Hints and Tips message to send this newsletter to your users weekly, biweekly, or monthly.
For more information on how to set up a Security Hints and Tips message, see our What Is the Security Hints and Tips Newsletter? article.
Managing User Messages
To view and manage your user messages, navigate to the Users > Messages. On the Messages subtab, you’ll see the Message History table which lists all messages sent within the last 90 days.
For more information about the Message History table, see the screenshot and list below:
- Filter: You can click the Message Types drop-down menu to filter this table by the message types: Custom Message, Scam of the Week, and Security Hints and Tips. You can also use the Search field to search for keywords in the message subjects.
- Message History Table: This table is organized by the newest to oldest message and provides detailed information for each message. These details include the groups the message was sent to, the admin who sent the message, and the percentage of users who have marked the message as read in the Learner Experience (LX).
- Message Subject: Click the message subject to view the Overview and Users tabs for that message. See the Individual Messages section of this article for more information.
- Recurring Messages: Click this button to a list of your recurring messages. See the Recurring Messages section of this article for more information.
Hide from Users: You can’t delete user messages, but you can hide individual messages by clicking the Hide from Users toggle. The message will still appear in your admin console but it will be hidden in the LX.
- For messages that have been hidden, you can click the Show to Users toggle to unhide the message in the LX.
- Error Messages: Users and groups are subject to change. Any relevant changes to the Groups or Sender of a message will result in an error message in the corresponding column.
Individual Messages
When viewing your Message History, you can click on the subject of an individual message to view the Overview and Users tabs for that message.
The Overview tab includes a preview of the message and lists details such as the percentage of users who have marked the message as read in the Learner Experience (LX).
The Users tab includes a list of all the users who received the message and one of the following message statuses:
- Created: The message has been created but is in the process of being sent to the user.
- Delivered: The message has been sent to the user, and the user has logged in to the LX but has not marked the message as read.
- Read: The message has been marked as read in the LX. Users with this status will also have a date in the Marked as Read column of the Users tab.
At the top of the page, you can filter the user list by message status or search for a specific user by their name or email address.
Recurring Messages
The Recurring Messages page lists all of your recurring messages, such as the Scam of the Week and Security Hints and Tips.
For more information about the Recurring Messages page, see the screenshot and list below:
Subject: Click on the subject of a recurring message to view the Message History page for that recurring message.
- The Message History page of a recurring message lists each time the recurring message was sent. The table includes details for each message. You can click on the subject of a message to view the Overview and Users tabs for that message. See the Individual Messages section of this article for more information.
Status: Recurring messages can have one of the following statuses:
- Recurring: The recurring message is active. The next message will be sent on the date listed in the Upcoming column.
- Inactive: The recurring message has been deactivated and will not be sent.
- Edit: Click the Edit icon to change the frequency or recipients of a recurring message.
Deactivate: Click the Deactivate icon to stop this recurring message from being sent.
- For messages that have been deactivated, you can click the Activate icon to start the recurring message schedule again.
Pending Custom Messages
The Pending Custom Messages page lists all of your pending custom messages or custom messages that you scheduled to send at a later date. Once your custom message is sent, you’ll be able to view it on the Message History table.
For more information about the Pending Custom Messages page, see the screenshot and list below:
- Subject: Click on the subject of a pending custom message to be taken to the Edit Custom Message page, where you can make changes to your custom message.
- Status: Pending custom messages will have the Pending status until they’re sent.
- Edit: Click the Edit icon to change the frequency or recipients of a recurring message.
- Delete: Click the Delete icon to delete this custom message.