Content Manager

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Content Manager Guide

The Content Manager allows you to manage ModStore training content and create a cohesive user experience for your organization. You can use the Content Manager subtab in the ModStore to set your organization’s preferences for branded themes, passing scores, and more. You can also customize content with branded themes and learning material. Once you've customized content, you can view it in the Managed Content section of the Content Manager subtab.

Important: To access the Content Manager, admins will need to have the Brandable Content and Content Manager Security Role enabled. To download content, admins will also need to have the ModStore Security Role enabled. For more information, see our How to Use Security Roles article.

Content Manager Settings

Content that’s compatible with the Content Manager will feature one or more adjustable settings. For more information about these settings, see the table below:

Important: Not all content will have adjustable settings in the Content Manager. Compatible content will have a pencil icon next to the content title in your library. If some settings cannot be customized for the selected content, the settings will not display in the Content Manager.
Content Setting Description
Branded Themes

This setting allows you to select a branded theme for the content. This theme will be used instead of a campaign theme or default theme.

Important: This setting will only be available if you have created a branded theme from the Brandable Content subtab of the ModStore. For more information, see our Brandable Content article.
Non-skip This setting allows you to prevent users from skipping videos in the content. When this setting is enabled, the progress bar will be removed from videos so users can't skip ahead in the video.

This setting allows you to turn on training video captions by default. Users will still be able to turn off captions if they prefer.

Adjustable Passing Score This setting allows you to adjust the default passing score that is required to pass the final quiz in the content.
Test Out

This setting allows users to test out of the content when they achieve a passing score. You can set a percentage for the test-out score that’s different from the quiz passing score. When this setting is enabled, users will have one opportunity to test out of the content. If they don’t achieve a passing score, the user must work through the content from the beginning and pass the final quiz.

After the introduction video in a module, a message will appear asking if the user wants to test out of the module. If they select No or ignore the message, it will disappear, and they won't see it again. They will also lose the option to test out of the module.

Finding and Using Compatible Content

In the ModStore, you can find content that’s compatible with the Content Manager. You can then add this content to your library and manage it in the Content Manager.

To find and use compatible content, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your KSAT console.
  2. Navigate to the ModStore tab.
  3. On the Browse tab, click Additional Filters.
  4. From the Content Features drop-down menu, select the features you would like your content to have. The results will populate on the page.
  5. Once you find a piece of content you’re interested in, you can hover your cursor over the image and click View Details for more information. On the item details page, you can read the full content description and preview the content.
  6. To add the content to your library, click the + Add to Library button. Once added, the content will be listed in the Library subtab of the ModStore. If an item shows the Already Added tag, the item is already available in your library and doesn’t have to be added.
Important:Once you add compatible content to your library, you can manage it in the Content Manager. To learn how you can manage content, see the Managing Content section of this article below.

Managing Content

Once you've added compatible content to your library, you can begin using the Content Manager. The Content Manager includes three subtabs: the General Settings subtab, the Page Settings subtab, and the Downloads subtab. To learn how to use these subtabs, see the subsections below.

Using the General Settings Subtab

On the General Settings subtab, you can set your organization’s preferences for branded theme, passing criteria, and more.

For more information about updating the preferences for your content settings, see the details below:

  1. Branded Theme: You can select a branded theme for this content. This theme will override any campaign themes or default themes.
  2. Skipping Videos: You can turn on the Prevent Skipping toggle to prevent users from skipping videos in this content by removing the progress bar.
  3. Captions: You can turn on the Enable captions by default toggle to turn training video captions on by default. Users are still able to turn off captions if they prefer.
  4. Passing Criteria: You can set passing criteria for quizzes and the test-out feature.
    • Adjust the percentage in the To pass, users must achieve a score of at least -XX+% section to change the score users will need to achieve to pass quizzes in this content.
    • Turn on the Allow users to test out of this course toggle to allow users to take the course quiz before they start the training. If users achieve a passing score on the quiz, they can skip this training course.
      Important: You can set different scores for the quiz and the test-out feature.

If you make any changes, make sure to click Save Changes in the top-right corner of the page.

Using the Page Settings Subtab

On the Page Settings subtab, you can review the content’s table of contents, hide or show pages, and add learning materials.

The table of contents displays all pages in the content in the order that users will view them.

To hide or show pages, click the Show or Hide button for that page. Users will not see hidden pages.

Important: Some content pages may be marked as mandatory by the author or publisher. Mandatory pages cannot be hidden.

Learning material pages allow you to add links to external resources, such as policies and other documents. For more information about learning materials, see the details below:

  1. Preview Changes: You can click this button to preview how the content will appear to your users.
  2. Save Changes: You can click this button to save all the changes you’ve made in both the Settings subtab and the Overview subtab. The button displays the number of changes you've made across both subtabs.
  3. + Add Learning Material: You can click this button to add a content page that will contain learning material for your users.
  4. Learning Material URL: You can enter the URL for the learning material that you’d like to display in this content.
  5. Add Page: You can click this button to save the page.
  6. Remove Page: You can click this button to remove the page.

If you make any changes, click Save Changes in the top-right corner of the page.

Using the Downloads Subtab

On the Downloads subtab, you can download the content as a SCORM package. Your saved changes will apply to the downloaded package. You can also review all of your customized settings in the Content Settings section on the right side of the page.

To download your package, select your preferred language from the Language drop-down menu. Then, click Prepare Package. Once the package is ready, click Download Package.

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