Templates and Scopes

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How to Convert a Template to a Scope

In KCM GRC, the purpose of a template is to hold a set of requirements that you will work toward under a scope. In addition to using the managed templates that KCM offers, you can create custom templates to meet your compliance (or other) objectives. Then, you can create a scope by converting a template to a scope.

Follow the steps below to convert a template to a scope.

  1. From the navigation panel, select Compliance > Templates
  2. In the Name column, select a template name to open the template.
  3. From the Template Information area at the top of the page, click the Convert to Scope button.

Once the scope is created, you will be redirected to the View Scope page for your new scope. 

To add a scope description, add tags, or change the evidence settings for the scope, click the Update button in the top-right area of the page. For more information about the evidence settings for a scope, please see the Scope Settings section of our How Can I Limit the Types of Evidence That Users Can Submit? article. 

Note: The scope will inherit the name of the template that it was converted from. To change the name of the scope, click the Update button, and enter a new name.

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