If you're experiencing difficulties with logging in to your KnowBe4 Partner Portal account, here are some quick tips to resolve these issues:
- Ensure you have received your Partner Portal login credentials. If you're already a KnowBe4 partner but don't have login credentials yet, visit our Partner Portal | Login Request page to request your credentials.
- Ensure you're entering your username correctly in the Partner Portal login window. It should be your business email plus .kb4.
- If the above two points don't resolve your issue, you can reset your password.
If you have forgotten your Partner Portal password, follow the steps below to reset your password:
- Navigate to the KnowBe4 Partner Portal | Forgot Password? page.
- Enter your username, which is your business email, followed by .kb4.
- Click Reset Password.
- You'll receive an email that will allow you to set a new password. Click the link in the email.
Note:If you have not received the email, follow the instructions in our Partner Portal: How to Troubleshoot Whitelisting Issues article. You can also check your spam folder and filters for the reset link. The email will come from kb4partners "at" knowbe4.com.
- Create a new password using the requirements listed on the page. Then, click Change Password.
If you're still unable to log in to your Partner Portal, you can submit a ticket on our KnowBe4 Partner Portal | Support page for assistance.