
Change the Phish Alert Text for Mobile Phish Alert Button (PAB)

If you're using the Microsoft 365 Phish Alert Button (PAB) for mobile, you have the option to change the Phish Alert banner text. By default, this text says "Phish Alert V2".


To change the banner text, follow the steps below:

  1. Before you install the PAB on your mail server, download the O365Manifest.xml file from the Phish Alert section of your KSAT Account Settings.
  2. Open the file in a text editor and edit the line of text in the example below. You can replace the text in red, which says "Phish Alert V2" by default.  
    <DisplayName DefaultValue="Phish Alert V2" />
  3. Save the file and install the PAB as you normally would.

If you've already installed the PAB on your mail server, you can follow the same steps as above. First, remove your existing PAB add-in from Microsoft 365. Then, add your edited XML file as an add-in. Your users will then see the PAB with the new banner text.

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