Completing Training

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The Inside Man Watch Party Facilitator's Guide

The purpose of this guide is to share the best practices learned from organizations using The Inside Man series holding group “watch together” sessions. We will cover how best to present the episodes in an engaging format that makes the most out of employee’s time. Note that because movie watching has generally declined in favor of streaming series, we do not recommend a full-length movie experience. While a movie-length group session might work in some instances (with tech teams who are already fans, for instance), the best and most effective way to engage the majority of learners is two to three episodes per event with time for interaction/discussion after each viewing.

How to Create a Playlist of Episodes

You can download the episodes you want to play in sequential order from the Modstore as MP4s article. From there, you can use a media player such as VLC to create a playlist of the episodes you would like to include. You can then play the episodes in full screen as if they were a single file rather than having to download extremely large files. We recommend playing the highest quality video supported by your display device (we recommend the 1080p MP4 version).


While every organization is different, we recommend delivering this content in a fun way. Suggestions include: an after-work event, lunch & learns, team socials, popcorn parties, or any kind of event with snacks. Groups of 15-30 are optimal for discussion but larger groups that are well facilitated can also be conducted with success. Document attendance for your records with a sign-in sheet or virtual signup and attendance records.


Keep in mind any accommodations for accessibility, including, but not limited to:

  • Reserved seating up front for optimal viewing
  • Proximity of seating to speakers
  • Closed Captions (versions are available with captions turned on in the ModStore)
  • Providing accessible PDF of transcripts

It is important to remember to ask your attendees ahead of time if they need any accommodations before holding the sessions so you can plan accordingly.

Resources Available

There are movie-style posters for each season that can be posted in common areas to advertise your showing and used as promotional material.

Trailers are also available in the ModStore that can be used to grow excitement for your event by placing them on the organization Intranet or playing them during organization-wide meetings.

The Inside Man: New Recruits is an interactive game that is also now available. It is tied to the plot of season one and encourages users to further engage with and apply the lessons presented in the series.

The Inside Man Fan Site

  • You can access the site here:
  • We recommend sharing this site ahead of time for those who want to learn more.
  • The Inside Man fan site has many special features, like episodes of Inside The Inside Man in which KnowBe4’s security culture expert, Perry Carpenter, joins the writer and director to discuss the episodes and their real-world inspirations in depth.
  • The fan site links out to a store where you can purchase cool giveaways for your event.
  • It also has behind-the-scenes imagery and assets that you can share as part of your presentations.

Sample Discussion Questions

  • Who is your favorite character and why? OR Who do you most identify with in the episodes we just watched?
  • What do you feel like are the key lessons that can apply to our organization’s cybersecurity environment?
  • What is one thing you took away from these episodes that you can use for your personal cybersecurity?
  • What are you most looking forward to in the next set of episodes? OR What are you looking forward to in the next season of the series?


When ending your session, consider generating interest to complete the series. Many organizations start with the first few episodes in person, then have employees watch the remaining episodes independently and conclude with a season finale watch party. If you are watching together again as a group, advertise the next watch session, including where and when. Be sure to provide attendees with information on how they can access or rewatch the episodes (such as optional training within the KnowBe4 platform).

Use the following links to access PDF versions of this guide:


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