Remedial Training

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Create a Remedial Training Campaign

In your KnowBe4 account, you can assign remedial training to users who frequently fail phishing tests. Assigning remedial training to these users will provide them with extra training that will help improve their security awareness.

To assign remedial training to your users, you will need to create a remedial training group, a remedial training campaign, and a phishing campaign. When users fail a phishing test from this phishing campaign, they will be enrolled in the remedial training campaign.

Click the links below to learn how to set up a remedial training campaign. If you prefer video tutorials, you can also watch our Automating Remedial Training with Smart Groups video.

Tip: If you're a Platinum or Diamond customer, you can use our Smart Groups feature to automatically add users to or remove users from remedial training based on specific criteria, such as the number of phishing failures or training assignments completed. For more information, see our Smart Groups: Phishing Automation Guide or our Smart Groups: Training Automation Guide.

Step One: Create a Remedial Training Group

Before you create your remedial training campaign, you’ll need to create a remedial training group. To create your remedial training group, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your KnowBe4 account and navigate to Users > Groups.
  2. Click the + Create New Group button.
  3. In the Group Name field, enter a name for your group. We recommend that you enter a name that describes the group's purpose, such as "Remedial Training Group."
  4. If you would like, fill out the remaining fields on the Create New Group page. For more information about the available fields, see our How to Create a Group article.
  5. Click the Create Group button.

Step Two: Create a Remedial Training Campaign

Once you have created a remedial training group, you can create your remedial training campaign. To create your remedial training campaign, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your KnowBe4 account and navigate to the Training tab.
  2. Click the + Create Training Campaign button.
  3. Fill out the fields on the Create New Training Campaign page. We recommend that you use the settings listed below:
  1. End Date: We recommend that you select Relative Duration and set a Relative Enrollment Duration of 2 Weeks, 3 Weeks, or 4 Weeks. Setting a relative duration will ensure that users will have the same amount of time to take the training after they've been enrolled. We also recommend you select the Allow assignments to be completed after due date checkbox.
  2. Content: From the drop-down menu, select the training content that you would like to add to your remedial training campaign. We recommend you select one of our 15-minute modules or micro-modules. These short modules will provide users with additional training to improve their security awareness knowledge in a short period of time.You can also select your organization's own modules, videos, or policies. For more information, see our Uploading Custom Content to your KnowBe4 Platform article or our How to Create and Manage Policies in Your KnowBe4 Console article.
    Important:You cannot add content to a campaign once the campaign starts, so make sure to include all the necessary content before you create the campaign.
  3. Enroll Groups: From the drop-down menu, select the remedial training group that you created in the Step One: Create a Remedial Training Group section above.
  4. Enable automatic enrollment for new users: This field is selected by default. This setting will ensure that any new users added to your remedial training group are assigned the remedial training.
  5. Enable progress reset for remedial training: Select this check box to ensure that users can be enrolled in this training multiple times. If you select this check box, your users’ training progress for the training in this campaign will be reset if they are re-enrolled in this campaign. If a user is re-enrolled in a remedial training campaign, their previous training completion data will still be saved to their user profile and training reports. We recommend that you only use this setting for remedial training purposes.
    Important:If you select this check box, be sure to select your remedial training group from the Remove Completed Users From drop-down menu as well. For more information, see the Remove Completed Users From section below. 
  6. Remove Completed Users From: Select this check box if you would like to remove users from the remedial training group when they complete their remedial training. As long as you have selected the Enable progress reset for remedial training check box, these users can be added back to the remedial training group if they fail additional phishing tests.
  7. Notifications: At a minimum, we recommend that you add a Welcome notification to notify your users that they've been enrolled in remedial training. We also recommend that you add one or two reminder notifications to encourage your users to complete their training before the due date
    Tip:You can also customize your training notifications to let users know that they’ve been enrolled in a remedial training campaign. For more information about customizing training notifications, see our Customizing Training Notifications article. 

Step Three: Create a Phishing Campaign

The final step is to create a phishing campaign. When users fail a phishing test from this phishing campaign, they will be automatically enrolled in your remedial training campaign.

This phishing campaign can target all of your users or specific groups. You can also set up this campaign to be a one-time phishing test or a series of ongoing phishing tests.

To create your remedial phishing campaign, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your KnowBe4 account and navigate to the Phishing tab.
  2. Click the + Create Phishing Campaign button.
  3. Click the drop-down menu next to the Add Clickers to setting and select the group you created in the Step One: Create a Remedial Training Group section above.
  4. Fill out the rest of the fields on the New Phishing Campaign page. For more information about these fields, see our Creating and Managing Phishing Campaigns article.
  5. Click Create Campaign.

When this phishing campaign runs, any users who fail the phishing tests will automatically be added to the group you selected from the Add Clickers to drop-down menu.

Once users are added to the group, they will be automatically enrolled in the remedial training campaign you set up in the Step Two: Create a Remedial Training Campaign section above.

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