Security Roles

Last updated:

Assign and Remove Admin Functions from a User

To help you manage all areas of your KSAT console, you can assign admin privileges to users in your account. You can also remove admin privileges from current admins that no longer need admin access.

See the sections below to learn how to assign and remove admin permissions. For information about managing users and groups, see our Users and Groups article. 

Important:Admins have access to all tabs and data in your KSAT console. To assign access to specific areas of the console, we recommend that you use security roles instead. Security roles are available to Platinum and Diamond subscription levels. For more information, watch our How to Use Security Roles video.

Assigning Admin Permissions

To assign admin permissions to a user, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your KSAT console.
  2. Select the Users tab.
  3. Find the user that you would like to assign admin permissions to.
  4. Click the drop-down arrow next to the user and select Add Admin Access. A confirmation pop-up window will display.
  5. Click the Confirm button to assign admin permissions to the user. In the Users subtab, this user's name will now be highlighted in blue.
Note:When you assign admin privileges to a user, we recommend making sure the user's time zone is set to the same time zone as your organization. Using the same time zone will ensure that reporting features, such as the time a user fails a simulated phishing test, will display in the correct time zone. For more information, see our Managing Time Zones article.

Removing Admin Permissions

If an admin no longer needs admin access to your KSAT console, you can remove their admin permissions. 

Important:Your console must have at least one admin at all times. If you are the only admin in your console, you'll need to assign admin permissions to another user before you can remove your own admin permissions.

To remove admin permissions, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your KSAT console.
  2. Select the Users tab.
  3. Find the user that you would like to remove admin permissions from.
  4. Click the drop-down arrow next to the user and select Remove Admin Access. A confirmation pop-up window will display.
  5. Click the Confirm button to remove the user's admin permissions. In the Users subtab, this user's name will be no longer be highlighted in blue.

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