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Archive or Delete a User

When it comes to managing users who should no longer be in your console, you can archive or delete them. If you archive a user, you'll have the option to still include them in reports. You can also restore an archived user as if they were never removed from the console. Deleting a user permanently removes them and all of their phishing and training history from your console.

Important: To archive or delete an admin, you'll need to remove the user's admin functions first. For more information, see our How to Assign and Remove Admin Functions from a User article.

Manually Archiving a User

Archiving a user will remove them from your console, but you can unarchive them at any time. Archived users won't receive any phishing tests or training from training campaigns. Archiving a user will also prevent them from being counted in your licensed seats.

You can manually archive users individually, or you can archive one or more users. The steps for both of these options are listed in the below subsections.

Option 1: Individually 

To manually archive users individually, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Users tab, then select the Users subtab.
  2. From the list, find the user you would like to archive.
  3. Under the Actions column, click the drop-down arrow of the desired user and select Archive.

Option 2: One or More Users 

To manually archive one or more users, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Users tab, then select the Users subtab.
  2. Select the check box to the left of the user or users you would like to archive.
  3. From the menu bar that appears above the user list, click the Archive button.

Bulk Archiving with a CSV File

If you would like to archive multiple users from the console, we recommend using the Bulk Archive option. This option will allow you to bulk archive users with a CSV file. To bulk archive users with a CSV file, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a CSV file with an Email column. In this column, enter the email addresses of the users you would like to bulk archive.
    Important: The CSV file should only include the Email field. To successfully bulk archive the users, don't include additional fields such as First Name or Last Name.
    Example CSV
  2. In your KSAT console, navigate to the Users tab, then select the Users subtab.
  3. From the header of the Users List, click Bulk Archive.
  4. In the Bulk Archive Users pop-up window that opens, click Browse to select and upload your prepared CSV file.
  5. Select who you wish to notify of these changes.
    Tip: You can also choose to send a notification to yourself by selecting the corresponding check box.
  6. When you're ready, click Archive to archive the users from the CSV file.

Restoring an Archived User

You can restore an archived user to add them back to your user list. This will also restore their phishing and training history.

View the archived users by clicking the Status drop-down menu above the user list and selecting Archived.

You can manually restore users individually, or you can restore one or more users. The steps for both of these options are listed in the below subsections.

Option 1: Individually 

To manually restore users individually, follow the steps below: 

  1. From the Archived user list, find the user you would like to restore.
  2. Under the Actions column, click the drop-down arrow of the desired user and select Restore.

Option 2: One or More Users 

To manually restore one or more users, follow the steps below:

  1. From the Archived user list, find the user or users you would like to restore.
  2. Select the check box next to the user or users you would like to restore.
  3. From the menu bar that appears above the user list, click the Restore button.

Bulk Restoring with a CSV File

You can restore archived users in bulk with a CSV file. To restore users in bulk, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a CSV file with an Email column. In this column, enter the email addresses of the users you would like to restore. If you don’t have a CSV file, you can download one of our sample CSV files from your KnowBe4 console. For more information, see our How to Import Users with a CSV File article.
  2. In your KnowBe4 console, navigate to Users > Import Users > CSV Import.
  3. Click the Browse button and select your CSV file.
  4. You can optionally notify console admins about the CSV file import by selecting them from the drop-down menu. Once you have updated your settings, click the Import Users button at the bottom of the page.
Important:Any email addresses in the CSV file not currently affiliated with an archived user will be imported into your console as a new user. To prevent duplicate or new users from being created, ensure that the email addresses in your CSV file match those of the archived users you want to restore.

Manually Deleting a User

You can delete users to permanently remove them from your console. Every record of the user,including all phishing and training history, will be deleted.

To delete a user, you will need to archive them first following the steps in the above sections. You can view the archived users by clicking the Status drop-down menu above the user list and selecting Archived.

You can manually delete users individually, or you can delete one or more users. The steps for both of these options are listed in the below subsections.

Option 1: Individually

To manually delete users individually, follow the steps below:

  1. From the Archived user list, find the user you would like to delete.
  2. Under the Actions column, click the drop-down arrow of the desired user and select Delete.

Option 2: One or More Users 

To manually delete one or more users, follow the steps below:

  1. From the Archived user list, find the user or users you would like to delete.
  2. Select the check box to the left of the user or users you'd like to delete.
  3. From the menu bar that appears above the user list, click the Delete button.

Bulk Deleting with a CSV File

You can delete users to permanently remove them from your console. Every record of the user, including all phishing and training history, will be deleted.

To delete a user, you will need to archive them first following the steps in the above sections. You can view the archived users by clicking the Status drop-down menu above the user list and selecting Archived.

To bulk delete using a CSV file, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a CSV file with two columns. For the first column, use the header Email. For the second column, use the header Full Delete. Example CSV file
  2. Using one row for each user, enter a user's email address. Then, enter "true" in the Full Delete column. Repeat this step for each user you would like to delete and then save the CSV file.
  3. Navigate to archived users by clicking the Status drop-down menu and selecting Archived.
  4. From the header of the Users List, click Bulk Delete.
  5. In the Bulk Delete Users pop-up window that opens, click Browse to select and upload your prepared CSV file.
  6. Select who you wish to notify of these changes.
    Tip: You can also choose to send a notification to yourself by selecting the corresponding check box.
  7. When you're ready, click Delete to delete the users from the CSV file.

Reimporting a Deleted User

Users who have been deleted must be reimported into your console. Use the Quick Import function to add them again. You cannot restore the phishing and training history of a previously deleted user.

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