Setting Up User Messaging

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Security Hints and Tips Newsletter Overview

Every month, we update our Security Hints and Tips newsletter category with hints and tips about common cybersecurity topics, such as the importance of using a VPN and protecting passwords. These newsletters can help keep your users informed about security threats and help reinforce the topics they learn about in their security training.

Set Up a Security Hints and Tips Message

Users will be able to view their Security Hints and Tips on the Messages tab of the Learner Experience (LX). You can send these messages weekly, biweekly, or monthly, and you also have the option to send a copy of the message to each user via email. For general information about messages, see our User Messaging Guide.

When you use our User Messaging feature to send the Security Hints and Tips newsletter to your users, the newsletter template will be chosen using Random (Same random email to all users) logic. This logic chooses templates at random from your selected categories and ensures that users don't receive the same template multiple times. For more information about Random (Same random email to all users) logic, see the Random section of our Automated Template Selection article.

To create a Security Hints and Tips message, follow the steps below:

  1. From your KnowBe4 console, navigate to Users > Messages.
  2. Click the Create New Message button at the top-right corner of the page.
  3. Select Security Hints and Tips from the drop-down menu.
  4. On the New Security Hints and Tips Message page, customize your settings. For more information about each setting, see the screenshot and list below:
    1. Topics: Select these check boxes to send your users Security Hints and Tips newsletters based on PCI and HIPAA compliance.
    2. Frequency: Choose how often Security Hints and Tips messages should be sent to your users. We suggest selecting either Biweekly or Monthly.
    3. Send to: To send Security Hints and Tips to your entire organization, select All Users. To only send Security Hints and Tips to part of your organization, select Specific Groups and choose one or more groups from the drop-down menu.
    4. Use Custom Sender Information: Enable this option to customize the sender's name and email address. The email address must match one of the allowed domains on your account.
    5. Send on: Select the day you want to send your Security Hints and Tips message.
    6. Make this a branded message: Select this check box to include your organization’s logo, name, and domain in the Security Hints and Tips message. This option is only available if you have a company logo URL configured in your account settings. For more information, see our How to Add Your Company Logo, Logo URL, and Brand Color to Your Console article.
    7. Also send this message as an email: Select this check box to send a copy of the Security Hints and Tips message to each user by email. This message will still be listed on the Messages tab of the LX.
      Important: Emails sent using the User Messaging feature are not tracked and will not be included in any message-related data.
  5. Review your selections, then click Create Message. You’ll see a preview of one of our Security Hints & Tips messages. 

Typically, users receive a Security Hints and Tips message in their selected training language. If this is not available, they will receive a message in the account's default language. 

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