Using Reports

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Save and Send Reports

From the Reporting tab of your KSAT console, you can save reports to view them later or send them to other users. You can also schedule reports to be generated and sent at a set frequency, such as every quarter.

Saving Reports

To save a report to be viewed at a later time, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your KSAT console.
  2. Click the Reports tab.
  3. Select a report.
  4. Use the drop-down menus near the top of the page to set your desired filters.
  5. Click Apply Changes to generate your new report.
  6. Click Save Report at the top-right corner of the page. Save Report button

Now, you can enter a name for the saved report. You can also select a category to add the saved report to, which can help you keep reports organized. The Default category is automatically added to all accounts, but you can create your own categories from the Saved Reports subtab. Click Ok to save the report. All saved reports will stay in the Download Center for 90 days.

Note:If the account that created a report is deleted or no longer has permission to view the report, ownership of the report is reassigned to the oldest admin account.

Viewing Saved Reports

From the Saved Reports subtab, you can view all of your saved reports. For more information about the Saved Reports subtab, see the screenshot and list below: Viewing Saved Reports

  1. + Add: Click this button to create a new category. To move reports between categories, click the checkbox next to the report name and select a category for the report from the Move to Category drop-down menu.
  2. Filters: Use these drop-down menus to filter your saved reports by the type of report or groups included in each report.
  3. Include Other Users' Reports: Turn on this toggle to see all saved reports for the account instead of just your saved reports.
  4. Search: Use this field to search for any saved reports by the name or type of the report.

For added functionality, click the arrow under Actions.

  1. Use these buttons to generate a PDF or CSV file in your Download Center.
  2. Click Schedule to redirect you to the New Scheduled Report window. See the Sending and Scheduling Reports section for more info.
  3. Click Clone to duplicate a saved report. Cloning creates a new saved report using the same information as the original saved report which can be modified at any time. You can give the cloned report a new name and category.

Sending and Scheduling Reports

To send reports to other users and generate reports on a schedule, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your KnowBe4 account.
  2. Click the Reports tab.
  3. Select the Scheduled Reports subtab.
  4. Click Schedule Report.

In the New Scheduled Report page that opens, you can send any saved reports. You can also access this page by clicking the Actions arrow in the Saved Reports subtab and then clicking the Schedule button. For more information, see the screenshot and list below: New Scheduled Report

  1. Name: The name that displays in the Scheduled Reports subtab.
  2. Send To: Choose which groups you want this report to be sent to.
  3. Frequency: Select how often you want a report to be sent to your users. Scheduling reports with a frequency of more than once will automatically generate reports on the specific date and time selected.
  4. Start Time: The date and time the report will be sent to your users.
  5. Report Type: Select the type of report you want to schedule. You can choose a Saved Report or an Executive Report.
  6. Saved Report: Select which specific report you want to send or schedule.
  7. Format: Choose the file type of the report that your users will receive.
Tip:If you would like to stop a scheduled report from being sent, you can deactivate the report from the Scheduled Reports subtab.

Downloading Reports from the Notification Email

When you send a report to recipients, the recipients will each receive a notification email. The notification email will contain a link to download the report. 

When a recipient clicks Report Download Link, it will take them to the KSAT login page. If they have access to the Download Center, they'll see the Download Center when logging in to the KSAT console. Otherwise, they will see the Learner Dashboard.

To learn how recipients can download the report from the Download Center and Learner Dashboard, see the list below:

  • Download Center: If the recipient is taken to this page, they can view information about the reports that have been sent to them. To download a report to their device, the recipient can click the Download icon.
    Note:All saved reports will stay in the Download Center for 90 days.
    Download Center Admin View
  • Learner Dashboard: If the recipient is taken to this page, the report will automatically download to their device.  Learner Dashboard Download Report

Viewing Scheduled Reports

From the Scheduled Reports subtab, you can view all of your scheduled reports. For more information about this subtab, see the screenshot and list below:Viewing Scheduled Report

  1. Filter: Use this drop-down menu to filter your scheduled reports by type.
  2. Include Other Users' Reports: Enable this toggle to see all scheduled reports for the account instead of just your scheduled reports.
  3. Search: Use this field to search for any scheduled reports by the name of the scheduled or saved report.
  4. Edit: Click this button to modify the details of the scheduled report.
  5. Clone: Click this button to replicate a scheduled report. Cloning a report will create a new scheduled report that uses the same information as the original report, but you can modify this information at any time.
  6. Deactivate: Click this button to set the report to Inactive. The only way you can reactivate a scheduled report is to clone it.
  7. Inactive: Select this subtab for one-time reports that are inactive or deactivated recurring reports. Inactive scheduled reports will automatically be deleted after 90 days.
Note: If you choose to Send Now while the same report has a recurring schedule, the one-time report won't affect the recurring schedule.

For further assistance with this feature, please contact our support team and they would be happy to help.

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