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Localization Guide

Localization improves your users’ experience with translated training content, phishing templates, notifications, and more. We offer a number of localized features in over 34 languages. For a full list of supported languages and their availability within the console, see our Multi-Language Support and Localization page. 

Important:Because localization is not fully supported for each language, you must set default languages for the account. Content, notifications, and features will be localized when the user’s preferred language is available. If a user’s language is not available, the account’s default language will be used.

Read the sections below to learn more about our localized features, what can be localized, and how to set up localization for your users. Alternatively, you can watch our Language Settings video.

What Language Settings Are Available?

There are three types of language settings available:

Each of these settings can be updated for each user. You can also select a default language for each setting at the account level. When a user’s preferred language is unavailable, the account’s default language will be used instead.

Training Language

Users can set their Training Language in the Learner Experience, as outlined in our Learner Experience (LX) Guide. You can also update this setting on the user's profile.

The Training Language applies to the following:

  • The Learner Experience, including training content when a localized version is available.
  • User Notifications from the KnowBe4 console, such as welcome emails and password reset notifications.
  • Training notifications, when Localized Training Notifications are enabled in Account Settings.

Phishing Language

To keep phishing security tests fair and effective, users cannot set their own Phishing Language. You can update this setting on the user's profile or by bulk updating using a CSV file. The phishing language will be applied to emails sent from a localized phishing campaign.

If your account uses the Office Add-in Phish Alert Button, you can autofill phishing languages based on the users’ PAB locales. This feature only impacts users who do not already have a phishing language set. Follow the steps below to enable this option:

Note:Phishing languages will autofill once a user uses the Phish Alert Button after the feature has been enabled.
  1. From your KnowBe4 console, click your email address in the top right corner and select Account Settings.
  2. In the Account Integrations section, navigate to the Phish Alert settings. 
  3. Under Office Add-in Settings, check the box labeled Autofill Phishing Languages with PAB Locale.
  4. Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.

Once you have set a default language and updated your users' language settings, you can create a localized phishing campaign

Admin Console Language

The KnowBe4 admin console can be viewed in the following languages:

Note:The Reporting tab of your console is localized, except for reports generated as a CSV file. Reports generated as CSV files will not display in the language set for your account. Reports generated as a PDF file will be localized.
  • English (United States)
  • English (Great Britain)
  • Japanese
  • Portuguese (Brazil)
  • German
  • French (Europe)
  • French (Canada)
  • Chinese (Mandarin) - Simplified
  • Spanish (Europe)
  • Spanish (Latin America)
  • Italian

Admins can set their Admin Console Language by following the steps below:

  1. Log in to the KnowBe4 admin console. 
  2. Click your email address in the top-right corner.
  3. Click the language at the bottom of the drop-down menu.
  4. Select your desired language and click Confirm.

If an admin has not set their admin console language, you can update this setting on the user's profile.

Once an admin has set their Admin Console Language, this language will be applied to most of their KnowBe4 console and admin notifications they receive, such as bulk change results or import notifications. 

Localization is an ongoing improvement, so there may be some parts of the console that have not been localized. Parts of the admin console that are not localized will be displayed in English (United States) and a localized banner will display to notify the admin. If you have questions about what elements of the admin console are localized, please contact support.

Important:Once a user’s Admin Console Language has been set, the language cannot be changed by another admin.

Set Your Language Settings

This section outlines how to set default languages for your account, update individual user languages, bulk update phishing languages, and enable localized training notifications

Important:Because localization is not fully supported for each language, you must set default languages for the account. Content, notifications, and features will be localized when the user’s preferred language is available. If a user’s language is not available, the account’s default language will be used.

Set the Default Languages

To set your account’s default Training Language, follow the steps below:

  1. From your KnowBe4 console, click your email address in the top right corner and select Account Settings.
  2. Navigate to the Learner Experience section of your settings.
  3. From the Default Training Language drop-down menu, select a language for your organization’s account. 
    • If you plan to use Localized Training Notifications, we recommend enabling that setting now. Below the default training language drop-down menu, select the Enable Localized Training Notifications check box. 
  4. Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.

To set your account’s default Phishing Language, follow the steps below:

  1. From your KnowBe4 console, click your email address in the top right corner and select Account Settings.
  2. Navigate to the Phishing section of your settings.
  3. From the Default Phishing Language drop-down menu, select a language for your organization’s account. 
  4. Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page. 

To set your account’s default Admin Console Language, follow the steps below:

  1. From your KnowBe4 console, click your email address in the top right corner and select Account Settings.
  2. Navigate to the Organization Information section of your settings.
  3. From the Default Admin Console Language drop-down menu, select a language for your organization’s account.
  4. Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.

Set Individual User Languages

To manually update an individual user’s preferred languages, follow the steps below:

  1. From your KnowBe4 console, go to the Users tab.
  2. From the user list, click any user's name or email to access their profile.
  3. Click the User Information tab.
  4. Find the User Languages section, to the right.
  5. If the user’s Admin Console Language has not been set, you can select a language from the Admin Console drop-down menu.
  6. To set the Phishing Language, select the preferred language from the Phishing drop-down menu.
  7. To set the Training Language, select the preferred language from the Training drop-down menu.

    Important:The user may have already selected their preferred training language in their Learner Experience. We recommend that you only change a user's training language if the user requests that you change it for them.

User Provisioning - Sync User Phishing and Training Languages

You can sync your user phishing and training languages using either ADI or SCIM user provisioning.

  • If a user has already set their training language in the Learner Experience (LX), then the training language field won't be changed from a provisioning sync.
  • For more information on syncing using ADI, see the Syncing Other User Information section of our Edit Your CONF File for Active Directory Integration (ADI) article.
  • For more information on syncing using SCIM, see our SCIM Configuration Guide

Bulk Updating Phishing Languages

If you are importing users for the first time, create your CSV file as outlined in our Import Users with a CSV File article, and be sure to include the Phishing Language column. 

To bulk update the Phishing Language of existing users, follow the steps below: 

Important:The training language won’t update if the language is already set before the import.
  1. From your KnowBe4 console, go to the Users tab.
  2. From the header of the Users list, click the green Generate CSV link. 
    • The generated CSV file will include all of your users and their profile information.
  3. Open the CSV file and delete all columns except for Email and Phishing Language.

    Important: This step helps to prevent unintentionally changing or deleting user information.
  4. Refer to our Supported Language Codes list and enter the preferred language for the desired users in the corresponding columns.
  5. Save the CSV file.
    • If you are using Excel, CSVs must be saved in the CSV UTF-8 format.
  6. In the KnowBe4 console, navigate to Users, then Import Users, and click CSV Import.
  7. Click the Browse button and select your CSV file. 
  8. Choose your notification settings.
  9. Click Import Users at the bottom of the page.
Note:Any update errors will be listed in an email that is sent to the admins selected in Step 7. If you see the error, "Language settings training locale is not included in the list" this means the language code that was entered is not supported. Please check for typos, review our Supported Language Codes list, and try again. For further assistance, contact support.

Localized Training Notifications

Follow the steps below to enable Localized Training Notifications:

  1. From your KnowBe4 console, click your email address in the top right corner and select Account Settings.
  2. Navigate to the Learner Experience section of your settings.
  3. Click the Enable Localized Training Notifications checkbox.
    • This option can only be enabled after setting a default training language for your account. 
  4. Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page. 
Important:Localization is only available for system templates. Templates in your My Templates categories will only display in the language they are written in.

Create a Localized Phishing Campaign

Once you have set a default language and updated your users' language settings, follow the steps below to create a Localized Phishing Campaign.

Important:Before you can create a localized phishing campaign, your account will need to have a default phishing language. For more information, see the Set the Default Languages section of this article. 
  1. From your KnowBe4 console, go to the Phishing tab, and click Create Phishing Campaign in the top right corner.
  2. Customize the campaign settings to your liking. Review our Create and Manage Phishing Campaigns article for more information. 
  3. From the Template Categories drop-down menu, select multiple system categories, custom categories with localized templates, or a combination of the two. Community categories cannot be used for localized campaigns.

    Note:Custom categories can only be used for localized campaigns when that category includes a localized template. Custom templates are considered localized when a language is selected on the edit template page. See our Create and Edit Email Templates and Landing Pages article for more information.
  4. Select a template randomization option. Choose from Full RandomRandom, or AIDA Selected (Diamond & Phishing Premium customers only). For more information, see our Automated Template Selection Overview.
    • Localized campaigns set to Full Random or AIDA Selected will send each user a different template that has been localized in either their preferred language or the account's default language.
    • Localized campaigns set to Same Random will send the same template to all users in their preferred language or in the account's default language. In recurring campaigns, this feature remembers the last five emails sent and selects a different template for subsequent tests.

      Important:If the templates selected for the campaign are unavailable in both the user's language and the account's default language, the user will not receive a phishing security test.
  5. Click the Send Localized Emails checkbox. Then, from the note that displays, click Review
    • The Full Random and AIDA Selected review modals list your users' phishing languages, the user count for each language, and how many of the selected templates are available in each language.
    • The Same Random review modal shows the number of selected templates available for all of your users, in either the user’s phishing language or your account’s default phishing language. The modal also shows the number of selected templates available for most of your users, but not all. These templates may be used in recurring campaigns, to avoid repetition. Lastly, this modal lists recommended categories that include localized templates that match all of your users' languages.
  6. When you’re satisfied with your settings, click Create Campaign.

Localized Landing Pages

We also offer Localized Landing Pages, so that users who click a phishing test link can view the page in their preferred language. See our Use and Customize Localized Landing Pages article for more information about localized landing pages. 

Supported Language Codes

When setting up localization for your users, be sure to use the language codes listed in the table below. It’s important to follow the format of supported languages, paying attention to both the specific uppercase and lowercase letters. For a full list of supported languages and their availability within the console, see our Multi-Language Support and Localization page. 

Important: KnowBe4 offers limited support for the following languages and dialects: Albanian, Amharic, Bulgarian, Croatian, Estonian, Greek, Latvian, Lithuanian, Serbian - Latin, Slovak - Latin, Swahili (Kiswahili), and Slovenian.
Language Code English Display Name
ar-mod Arabic
zh-hk Chinese (Cantonese) - Traditional
zh-cn Chinese (Mandarin) - Simplified
zh-tw Chinese (Mandarin) - Traditional
cs-cz Czech
da-dk Danish
nl-nl Dutch
en-au English (Australia)
en-gb English (Great Britain)
en-us English (United States)
fi-fi Finnish
fr-ca French (Canada)
fr-fr French (Europe)
de-de German
he-il Hebrew
hi-in Hindi
hu-hu Hungarian
id-id Indonesian
it-it Italian
ja-jp Japanese
ko-kr Korean
ms-my Malay
nb-no Norwegian
pl-pl Polish
pt-br Portuguese (Brazil)
pt-pt Portuguese (Europe)
ro-ro Romanian
ru-ru Russian
es-es Spanish (Europe)
es-419 Spanish (Latin America)
sv-se Swedish
th-th Thai
tr-tr Turkish
uk-ua Ukrainian
vi-vn Vietnamese

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