Managing Accounts and Users

Partner and Multi-Account: Manage Partners

From the Partners tab, you can view, edit, and delete your partners. From the Partner information page, you can also view and archive accounts managed by your partners. If you select the domain of an account managed by a partner account, you will be able to view and manage the account as an admin.

Tip:If you're looking for information about the accounts you manage, see our Partner/Multi-Account: Viewing Your Accounts article.

Managing Partners

To view your managed partners, navigate to the Partners tab of your Account Management console. For more information about this tab, see the screenshot and list below:

  1. + Create Partner: Click this button to add a new partner.
  2. Organization: This column displays the name of the organization. You can click the name of the organization in this column to access the partner’s information.
  3. Domain: This column displays the partner’s domain.
  4. Download CSV: Click this button to download a CSV file that contains information about your partners. 
  5. Impersonate Partner: Click this icon to impersonate the partner’s account management console as a child partner admin. This option is only available for your management console admins with Full Access Admin permissions.
  6. Actions: Click this drop-down menu and select Edit to make changes to a partner account.

Creating a New Partner

To create a new partner account, follow the steps below:

  1. From the Partners tab, click the + New Partner button. When you click this button, the New Partner pop-up window will open.
  2. Fill out the fields in the Personal Information and Organization Information sections with information about the partner.
  3. Fill out the fields in the Account Management Admin Settings section with your preferred settings for the partner account. From the Account Session Timeout drop-down menu, you can select the session timeout window to apply to the account. This setting will determine the maximum amount of idle time allowed before an admin will be logged out of the account.
  4. If you would like to enable SAML for the partner account, fill out the fields in the SAML section.
  5. Fill out the fields in the Purchased Products and Add-ons section. In the Number of Purchased Seats field, make sure to enter the number of seats the partner account purchased. Also, make sure the Subscription End Date fields both accurately reflect the partner account's KnowBe4 subscription period.
  6. Click Create Partner.

Editing an Existing Partner

To edit an existing partner account, follow the steps below:

  1. From the Partners tab, click the Edit button next to the partner account you would like to edit.
  2. Update any fields that need to be updated.
  3. Click Update Partner to save your edits.

Managing KnowBe4 Accounts Under Managed Partners

On the Partner Information page, you can view information about the partner accounts and any accounts they manage. For more information, see the screenshot and list below:

  1. Accounts: This subtab displays a list of accounts that the partner manages.
  2. Status: Click this drop-down menu to filter the Accounts list by account status. You can select Active to view a list of all active accounts, Archived to view all archived accounts, or All to view a list of archived and active accounts.
  3. Billing Type: Click this drop-down menu to filter the Accounts list by billing type. You can select Paid, Trial, or Free. You can also select Any to view a list of all accounts managed by the partner.
  4. Search by domain or name: Use this field to search for specific accounts.
  5. Organization: Select the name of the organization's Account Information page. From the organization’s Account Information page, you can edit the account and view the account as an admin. For more information about managing accounts, see our Partner/Multi-Account: Viewing Your Accounts article.
  6. Actions: Click this drop-down menu to refresh the account’s Phish-prone Percentages.
  7. View as Partner Admin: Click this icon to impersonate the partner’s account management console as a child partner admin. This option is only available for your management console admins with Full Access Admin permissions.

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