Templates and Scopes

How to Complete a Scope Self-Assessment

In your KCM GRC platform, you can use the Scope Self-Assessment to evaluate your organization's current level of compliance for each of your scopes. During the assessment, you can select a response for each requirement in a scope based on whether your organization is currently meeting the requirement. For general information about scopes, see the Scopes section of our Glossary of Compliance Terms.

You can update your self-assessment responses as many times as you would like. You can also show your stakeholders a summary of your responses to demonstrate your progress towards a scope.

See the sections below to learn how to complete the assessment and view a summary of your responses.

Completing the Self-Assessment

To complete a Scope Self-Assessment, follow the steps below:

  1. From your navigation panel, navigate to Compliance > Scopes.
  2. In the Name column, select the name of a scope. When you select a scope, you'll be taken to the View Scope page.
  3. From this page, select the Requirements subtab.
    Tip: At the top of this subsection, you can find the Requirements Breakdown progress bar, which will display an overview of your self-assessment responses.
  4. In the Self-Assessment Response column, select the response for each requirement. For more information about each response, see the Selecting a Self-Assessment Response subsection below.
    Note:Your responses will be saved automatically.

Selecting Self-Assessment Responses

For information about each self-assessment response, see the table below:

Self-Assessment Response Description
No Answer Your organization has not determined whether you need to implement a control for the requirement.
Met Your organization has already implemented the necessary controls and is currently meeting the requirement.
Partially Met Your organization is partially meeting the requirement, but you need to implement additional controls to fully meet the requirement.
Not Met Your organization has determined that the requirement is applicable, but you have not implemented the necessary controls.
N/A Your organization has determined that the requirement is not applicable.

Viewing a Summary of Your Responses

From the Overview subtab of the View Scope page, you can view a summary of your current Scope Self-Assessment responses. If you would like, you can share this summary with your stakeholders to provide information about your progress toward a scope. You can also use the summary to determine whether you need to retake the assessment.Scope Self-Assessment Responses

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