
KCM GRC Executive Reporting Guide

Our Executive Reporting feature is a great way to keep your executives, or senior management group, up-to-date on the status of your compliance efforts. 

By using KCM GRC's Executive Reporting, you as the KCM GRC Account Administrator can easily and automatically relay the status of one or more Scopes to your management team in an illustrative report. This feature prevents you from having to create additional user accounts simply for your executive team to view the progress of your Scopes.

You will be able to automate an email containing a report in PDF format, for one or more individuals at a frequency that you choose–either daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually.

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What Is Included in the Executive Report?How Do I Set up an Executive Report?Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Included in the Executive Report?

Below you'll find screenshots of the PDF report that will be automatically sent to your executive team, or anyone you'd like, in your organization. This illustrative report contains ample details for the Scopes of your choice. 

1) Logo: The header of the report will include your organization's logo if you've added a URL to the Logo URL field found under your Account Settings. 

2) Report Name: The Name you've assigned to this Executive Report will show here. You specify the report's name within the console, when creating the report.  

3) Scope(s) for this Report: The Scope(s) you've chosen to include in the report will be listed here. 

4) GAP Coverage: The percentage of Requirements that have Controls associated with, or mapped to them, vs. the number of Requirements that are not mapped to Controls. This applies to Requirements that are included in the Scope(s) you've selected for this report.

5) Requirements Coverage Breakdown: This is an overview of the status of the Scope Requirements Self-Assessment that you may have completed for the Scope(s) you've included in the Executive Report. If you've selected the N/A option for any of the Requirements in your Scope, that percentage will be represented here, in blue. For more information on the Scope Self-Assessment, see our KCM GRC: Glossary of Terms, here

The Gap Coverage and Requirements Coverage Breakdown covered in this PDF report are supplemental data that you cannot see in the console for a singular Scope. Currently, these two percentages are only available for Administrators to view within the console–under Global Dashboard–as an account-wide percentage. 

6) Covered Requirements: This is a further breakdown of your Gap Coverage for the Scope(s) included in your report. It defines the number of Requirements that do or do not have Controls. 

Ideally, you'll have all of your Requirements mapped to Controls, in order to accomplish your compliance (or general) objectives.

7) Task Completion Percentage: This represents the number of Tasks that have or have not been satisfied as part of the Scope(s) you've selected for the report. If a Task has not been satisfied it will fall within the Unmet percentage of the pie chart. Unmet Tasks consist of any that are in Active (open) or Failed status; as well as Tasks that are awaiting approval.

8) Number of Past Due Tasks: This is a count of the Tasks that are within a 1-7 day window past the due date. 

9) Task Completion Progress: This line graph represents the progress of the Task completions since the last time the Executive Report was generated.However, the very first Executive Report for each different report frequency option will include more data in the line graph–compared to the subsequent reports. See below for details.

Report Frequency Details
Report Frequency When Initial Report Sends Initial Progress Chart Data Subsequent Progress Chart Data
Daily As soon as possible (by 12:00 am UTC)  Prior 15 days from when the report was created Prior day
Weekly The following Sunday Prior 5 weeks from when the report was created Prior week
Monthly The 1st of the following month  Prior 5 months from when the report was created Prior month
Quarterly The first day of the following quarter (Jan.1, April 1, July 1, or Oct. 1)  Prior 2 quarters from when the report was created Prior quarter
Annually January 1st of the following year  Prior 5 years from when the report was created Prior year

How Do I Set up an Executive Report? 

If you're an admin in your KCM GRC account, you can set up an Executive Report by clicking Metrics on the left-hand side navigation panel. Then click Executive Report under the Additional Reports section at the bottom of the Metrics page.Click the Create Executive Report button at the top-right of the Executive Reports overview page, as shown below.

1) Name: Title for the report you're creating. This name will display in the PDF report you're sending to your executive or management team.

2) Select Existing KCM GRC User Email Addresses: This drop-down menu will include all users who have KCM GRC accounts. 

3) Enter Non-KCM GRC User Email Addresses: Here you can input any email addresses you'd like, in order to send these reports to your management or executive team members, board members, and so on. To add multiple recipients to the report, use the + Add Email Field button to add additional input fields.

4) Frequency of the Report: The option you select here will determine both the frequency in which the report is sent, as well as how much data is included in the report. See the Report Frequency Details table above, for more information on report frequencies. 

5) Start Date: This is the date you want the report to begin generating on or after–dependent on the report frequency, see the Report Frequency Details table for more information.

6) End Report Options: You can choose an end date to cease any generations of further reports. If you choose No End Date the reports will continue to generate indefinitely, unless you update the report and add an end date. 

7) Scopes to Include in Report: This drop-down menu will include all of the Scopes you've created in your account. You can select one or more Scopes to include in your Executive Report. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1) Can I edit or update my Executive Report Settings?

Yes. You can edit any existing Executive Report by clicking Metrics on the left-hand side navigation panel. From the Metrics page, click Executive Report, under the Additional Reports section.Once you've arrived at the Executive Reports overview screen, click on the pencil icon to the right of the report you'd like to update.

2) What if a KCM GRC user that I've disabled is an Executive Report recipient? 

If you archive a KCM GRC user this does not remove them from the Executive Reports recipient list. Instead, the email address of the user will be transferred to the Non-KCM GRC User Email Addresses recipient list. In order to remove this user from the report recipients, you'll have to update (see FAQ #1) or view the campaign and delete the user from the report.You can view the campaign by clicking on the eye icon to the right of the report you'd like to update; then click the trash can icon next to the disabled user's email address, as shown below.

3) I set up my Executive Report, why haven't the recipients received it? 

Any report that you've set up for a Daily frequency will be generated at 12:00 am UTC. All other report frequency options are generated on the next applicable calendar-based interval. See the Report Frequency Details table above for more information.

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