If you have a PhishER Plus subscription and have enabled PhishML, you can use PhishML Insights to learn more about how PhishML dispositions user-reported emails in your PhishER console. PhishML Insights uses the PhishML machine-learning model to explain how PhishML determines the dispositions of messages.
Before you can use PhishML Insights, you will need to have a PhishER Plus subscription and enable PhishML in your PhishER console. Then, PhishML Insights will be automatically enabled and available. For more information about PhishER Plus and PhishML, visit our PhishER Plus Overview article and PhishML Guide.
Viewing PhishML Insights
After PhishML analyzes a message in your PhishER Inbox, confidence values for the message are displayed under the Actions subtab of the sidebar on the Message Details page. Under this PhishML Confidence section, you can click Generate Explanation to run PhishML Insights. The generated explanation will be displayed under the list of confidence values.
PhishML Insights can generate one explanation per message and include up to 1,500 characters per explanation. Each explanation displays up to three of the strongest reasons PhishML used to determine the disposition of the message. If PhishML was unable to determine a confidence value above 50 percent for any of the dispositions, the explanation would indicate that PhishML was unsure of the disposition. You can click Close Explanation to hide the explanation from view on the Actions subtab and click View Explanation to display it again.