USB Drive Test

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USB Drive Test Overview

 A USB drive test allows you to test your users on how they will react to finding an unknown removable storage device, such as a thumb drive.

If you navigate to Physical Tests USB in your KSAT console, you can download test files and copy them to universal serial bus (USB) drives. Once the USB drives are set up, you can place the USB drives in planned locations. Then, you can use your KSAT console to see if your users are opening the test files. You can also see information such as where your users are opening the test files.

Alternatively, you can watch our USB Drive Test video.

USB Drive Tests Page

From the USB Drive Tests page of your KSAT console, you can view and manage all existing USB drive tests.

  1. + Create New USB Drive Test: You can click this button to go to the Create New USB Drive Test page and add details for a new test.
  2. Download CSV Report: You can click this button to download a report that shows details for all of your USB drive tests. This report will display each time a test file was opened, when macros were enabled, the IP address location for each failure, and more.
  3. Campaign Name: This column displays each USB drive test. To view more details about a test, click the test's name.
  4. USB Location, Total File Opens, Total Macros Enabled, Started on, and Completed on: These columns display the number of times a file was opened, the number of times macros were enabled, when the test was started, and when the test was completed.
  5. Status: This column displays the status of each USB drive test. For more information about the test statuses, see the list below:
    • Created: This status displays when the test has been created but has not started yet.
    • Started: This status displays when the test has started and is in progress.
    • Completed: This status displays when the test has ended.
  6. Actions: This column displays a drop-down menu with more actions to manage your USB drive test. For more information about the test statuses, see the list below:
    • Edit: Click this button to change information about your test, such as the name or location.
    • Delete: Click this button to delete your test.

Creating a USB Drive Test

To create a USB drive test, you'll need one or more USB drives and the ability to reach the KnowBe4 USB server domain.

Keep in mind that you may not be able to physically reclaim the USB drive again once your test begins.

The KnowBe4 USB server domain is the instance where your console is hosted, followed by the subdirectory /usb_campaigns/report/. For example, the United States USB server is See our KnowBe4's Training Instances article for more information.

Important:If you do not configure the necessary connection to the above page, then data sent from the test files may be blocked and will not report any results to your KSAT console.

When you're ready to start a USB drive test, navigate to Physical TestsUSB in your KSAT console. Then, click + Create New USB Drive Test to create a new test.

Give your test a name, specify the location where you will leave the device, and add any notes that could be helpful for you to track. Click Create USB Drive Test once all details are entered.

  1. Name: Enter a name for your USB Drive Test.
  2. Location: Enter the location where you will leave the USB drive.
  3. Notes: Enter any details about this test, such as whether the test will be started before or after users have received training on USB drive safety.
  4. Create USB Drive Test: Once you have added all the information you want, click Create USB Drive Test.

Starting a USB Drive Test

Once you have created a USB drive test, you’ll be redirected to the test Overview page. You can also access this page by navigating to Physical TestsUSB in your KSAT console and selecting the test’s name. This page lists four steps to start your USB drive test. 

See the sections below for more information about these steps.

  1. From the Download Test File column, click the name of a test file to download it. You can download and use multiple test files in a single USB drive test.
  2. Copy the files to a USB drive. You can copy test files to multiple USB drives in a single USB drive test.
    Important:We encourage you to rename these files before saving them to your USB drive. We recommend using filenames that entice your users to open them, such as “Salaries2022.xlsx” or “BoardMeetingNotes.docx”.
  3. At the bottom of the page, click Start Test.
  4. Place the USB drives in your desired location.
Note:Users must have the appropriate programs installed on their computers to open and run the embedded scripts in the test files. Without a program to open the files, the test data cannot be sent back to your console.

Monitoring a USB Drive Test

To check the details of a USB drive test, navigate to Physical Tests > USB in your KSAT console. Then, click the name of the test you'd like to monitor. The Overview page displays the number of times a file has been opened, the number of times macros have been enabled, and a map of IP address locations where the failures occurred.

On the Details subtab, you can view a table that displays each time a test file was opened, when macros were enabled, and the IP address location for each failure. If macros were enabled by a user, the table will also display the user's username, display name, and computer name.

Ending a USB Drive Test

There is no specified duration for how long a USB drive test will run. When you're ready to stop monitoring the failures from a test, click End Test on the test overview page.Once you have ended a test, the test will not be updated with new data on opened files or enabled macros. If you would like to continue a test, click Restart Test on the test overview page.

Additional Resources

Check out the following articles for more information about USB drive tests:

My USB Drive Test Report Is Not Showing Macros Enabled

How to See the Internal IP Addresses of Users Who Have Failed a USB Drive Test

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